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  • Shoulder pain affects 1 in 4 adults

    There are a number of issues that can cause shoulder pain, including osteoarthritis, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory disorders, or osteonecrosis which impacts blood flow to the humerus.

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  • Total shoulder arthroplasty deemed safe, effective for patients aged 80 years and older

    Patients aged 80 years and older had low rates of perioperative mortality and reoperation after anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, according to results published in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.

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  • How to Avoid Shoulder Pain at Work

    Long periods of physical work involving positioning the arms over the shoulder and excessive load on the shoulders are common direct causes of shoulder pain.

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  • Is your thumb pain de Quervain's tenosynovitis?

    De Quervain's tenosynovitis (pronounced da-KWUHR-vanes teena-sine-ah-VITE-us) is a complicated name for a condition that's been referred to as "mother's thumb," "mommy wrist" and "gamer's thumb"—all associated with repetitive use of the hands and wrist. It is a condition that causes extreme pain in the wrist and thumb area.

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  • Hand Pain Causes and Treatment Options

    Hand pain can have many causes because the hand is made up of many different parts. The bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, skin, and other structures that help the hands do a wide range of tasks can also be sources of pain.

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  • What happens with a pinched nerve in the shoulder?

    When something compresses or pinches a nerve in the shoulder, a person may experience pain, numbness, or tingling. Pinched nerves typically heal without treatment.

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  • 13 Shoulder Stabilization Exercises

    Shoulder stability exercises are used in physical therapy to treat shoulder pain. Also known as scapular stabilization exercises, they help to manage shoulder pain, restore functional mobility, and help you regain normal use of your arm and shoulder.

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  • Rheumasurgery: Improving Function and Relieving Pain

    Rheumasurgery, also known as Rheumatoid Surgery, is concerned with the surgical treatment of patients suffering from rheumatic disorders and rheumatism. A Rheumasurgeon aims to improve patient function, limit disease progression, and relieve pain. Rheumasurgical interventions can include synovectomies, joint replacement, and repositioning of joints.

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  • How soon can you resume tennis or golf after shoulder surgery?

    Healing does take time, but within a few months most people can get back to play at their pre-surgery level without the pain that they experienced before, a pair of new studies show.

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  • New topical treatment shows promise in primary palmar hyperhidrosis

    Primary palmar hyperhidrosis (PPHH) is a condition characterized as excessive sweating on the palms that is not induced by temperature but by mental stress, emotional stimuli and physiological stimuli,

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